Tuesday, June 28, 2011


Welcome to Gardening, Hoe Style.  If you're one of those that need it - I give you permission to enjoy this moment away from real world issues.  For this is really just jabber, about gardening.  Feel free to read on if you like.

Plants are fascinating play dates.  Some behave nicely, others stomp around like truculent toddlers.  And who can ignore those that bully about like partisan politicians?  Whether they have delightful or horrible manners, almost all seem to thrive, on some level, with a bit of appropriate attention.  The artistic portion of plant care science is determining what is appropriate, when, and how to achieve it without causing harm elsewhere.  Yes.  I do know they make those things called books.  And book learnin' is wonderful (I would be a full time student forever, if I could afford it).  But complete knowledge of a plant in perfect health really only gives you the goal.  And a good understanding of diseases and insects only prepares you to make better observations.  Putting it all together, making it work.  That's the fun.  That's the journey.

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